Biyernes, Marso 4, 2011

Raising A Leopard Gecko Egg

If you are looking for a step-by-step guide on raising a leopard gecko egg, you need to know the correct medium to use, the right humidity mixture, and the right temperature to hatch your geckos eggs.

I actually made a squidoo lens about this but you I'll make a quick guide here or you can just visit my leopard gecko egg incubation procedure here.

Anyway, the medium that I find most effective for raising a leopard gecko egg is the vermiculite or pelite.  You need the correct mixture of water with this incubator medium to attain the perfect humidity.  I have discovered that a 1 part water and a 0.8 part vermiculite or incubator medium is most effective.  No further misting of water is needed once the ratio is attained.  But it is most advised to use a digital scale to perfect and get the correct ration.

If you want a female leopard gecko, the temperature should be calibrated at around 79 - 82 degrees, which can be done by simply keeping the leopard gecko egg incubation container in a storage room or you can use a heating pad if the temperature is not attainable.  For a male leopard gecko, you need a higher temperature so it has to be between 87 - 88 degrees.  A leopard gecko egg hovabor is best for this.  For mix sexes, just calibrate the temperature to 84 - 86 degrees and that should be fine.

Raising leopard geckos is certainly fun and exciting and like the a dog, they can be your best friend.  Read more about how to raise your leopard gecko up to 20 years here