Huwebes, Pebrero 24, 2011

Helpful Leopard Gecko Info For First Time Keepers

Before you start raising a new lizard or reptile pet, you must have as much leopard gecko info on your would be pet.  Being a keeper of this little lovable lizards, I will try to the best of my knowledge to provide you with some helpful facts about your would be pet. I too am raising a few of this amazing leopard little lizard pet.  They seem to require minimum attention but doing the wrong thing can certainly shatter your pets life. Leos are cool pets that you can play with especially when they get to know you more and recognize you as a friend and not a predator. Here's a know leopard gecko info or fact. Did you realize that this mere lizard is highly active during the night? They are nocturnal creature, natives from the middle East particularly from India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. They have now become favorite reptile pets in the United States for around 25 years.  They have this distinct feature to change or morph its skin to different colors making it very attractive. A male leo can grows up7 to 12 inches while a female can grows up to 6 to 8 inches.
How to Handle Your Pet: Being a small pet and easy to grab in your hand, keepers have the tendency of holding their pet for very long.  Here's a leopard gecko info to remember:  Holding your pet on the hand for too long should be avoided and grabbing your pet's tail is a big NO. The leos tail is the most sensitive part of its body and they could easily drop it when they get frightened or stressed out. Leopard geckos are sensitive to any movements.  Handling them or holding them should be done very slowly.  Without you knowing it, you could be hurting your little pet already.  Let your little pet first adapt and get to know his new environment.  Allow it to grow some 5-6 inches then when slowly introduce your hand inside its cage and wait for your pet to walk on your hand.   Do it 10-15 minutes everyday and in a week or two, your pet will be your best friend.
Leopard Gecko Info On Feeding: Leos love to feed on crickets and mealworms.  They are not vegetarian and do not feed on any grass.  But it is important to gut load your crickets and mealworms before feeding it.  This loading of nutrients on your feeds is essential for your pets health.  Avoid waxworms on a daily basis because of its high fat content which can be detrimental to our leopard geckos health.  Locust on the other hand it a prime food because of its high protein content but the downside is its price value.  Your little pet can consume up to 2 insect per inch it has grown so don't feed him too much. Caging and Housing your Pet I simply prefer glass containers like the fish aquarium for my leopard gecko pet.  This gives me a wide view on my pet and lets me monitor whatever he is doing.  It's also kind a way to replace the traditional fish-tank concept.  Lizard-tank is better!  Just make sure to cover the top area with a screen.  This will ensure that your pet won't climb out and at the same time protect it from other predators like your cat.  Making the inside of your aquarium look natural can easily be done since little cave and all those stuff can easily be purchase in any pet store.  Just make sure your pet has a hide box.
Leopard gecko Info On Proper Care: Your pet is friend and should be treated accordingly.  Give it proper care and attention and your pet's life can extend as long as 15 to 20 years.  But if you do things wrong or do too much of something, your pet can easily die within a year in your care.  You read more about helpful leopard gecko information here and how to properly care for your pet lizard.